
Latest return to play advise from BE as of 3 March 2021


Please see the latest Return to Play advice from BE, as of 3/3/21.

29/3/21 - Step 1: ‘Rule of 6 or two households outdoors.’
*Outdoor badminton sessions only.

12/4/21 - Step 2: At least 5 weeks after Step 1 no earlier than 12/4/21.
‘Indoor leisure centres permitted to open; adult activity permitted for individuals or household only. Young people activity permitted (under 18’s - includes those 17 on 31/8/20 who have turned 18 since).’
*Adults - household only singles or doubles permitted.
*Young people - junior clubs/organised sessions/coached sessions/recreational activity - all permitted with no limits.
*Competition - localised junior tournaments and junior leagues permitted. *Recreational/outdoor badminton - permitted with maximum of 6 players or 2 households.

17/5/21- Step 3: At least 5 weeks after Step 2 and no earlier than 17/5/21.
‘Rule of 6 or 2 households indoors; domestic travel and overnight stays permitted; gatherings of up to 30 people allowed outdoors.’
*Adults - singles and double (TBC) permitted under rule of 6 or 2 households; clubs/organised sessions/coached sessions/recreational activity - all permitted.
*Junior circuit tournaments permitted. Local adult leagues under rule of 6 (TBC).
*Coach education - courses to resume under rule of 6.

21/6/21 - Step 4: ‘No legal limits on social contact.’
*Play - all permitted.
*Competition - Senior Circuit tournaments and adult league permitted.
*Coach education - course permitted with no restriction.